Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Comic Mayhem

I was invited to participate in 'Comic Mayhem' last Saturday afternoon. It was organised by inTheMatchbox by NAC.
It was quite an experience for me because I initially thought that I was it was a small scale event where like minded artists would gather, mingle around and talk about our works. But when I got there I was told that I would need to speak to a mic in front of some 60-70 people.

Obviously I freaked out a little. Didn't freak out so much because I've had experience reading out speeches for formal events back during ITE days. Its all about confidence and projecting your voice.
What I freaked out about was the lack of planning. I got no idea what to say to them!
Furthermore, those attending Comics Mayhem that afternoon were mostly experienced artists.
Compared to them, my work is shit and I wondered why the hell would they want to pay attention to this crappy student and her noob work.


Then I suddenly remember what my psychologist told me, 'Tune down the negativity, what is the worst that could happen?'

So I manage to calm myself down and just be myself in front of them. "Pretend you are presenting to alot of penguins."

I also met new friends at the event, Gene & Wayne whom I found out later that day; would be my partners in crime for a super secret / super big / super super / super yet to be planned / super happening event coming soon this super September. :x

In the meantime, do click on the below link and *LIKE* DANGER GENE!


Super Eggcited :D

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