Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Today I stayed in school till way pass 8pm to finish up my clay sculpture.
I had the weekends to think about what to sculpt for my 30cm high clay assignment for this module.
I'm having 3DArtFun now, I guess we are suppose to explore everything 3 dimensional.
We started with clay, I heard its wiring next. I bet my fingers are going to break, I tired wiring before 2 months back when I took up a short course at EggStory Digital Arts School.

So after much consideration, I decided to sculpt Totoro!
A character from the animation 'My Neighbour Totoro' created in 1988 by Hayao Miyazaki.
Hayo Miyazaki is a fantastic animator and a darn good story teller, his animation really brings out the wildest imagination one could ever imagine.
And to have convert them to animation and show the world, I really give it up to him. I always wonder how he does it, I could never get myself to illustrate my dreams/imaginations.
I tried telling my boyfriend about those quirky strange dreams that i often had at home, and he just thinks its weird.
Then again weird can be the next in thing right? Haha, I'm going to illustrate more from now on!

But first, here is my Totoro!

I can't wait to fire it.

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