Fatman & Superchub ushering in the Lunar New Year! Of course lemon wants to be a part of it.
Frankly speaking, I never enjoyed such occasions. To make it more less enjoyable, I was loaded with school assignments and freelance work on hand. Meaning, I have to work over the holidays *sad*
On the eve of chinese new year, I went to grandmumsy place for reunion dinner. I brought my macbook with me but found out that I couldn't get any work done because there was just no space to do so there. There were adults watching TV and gossiping in the living room, 3 pots of steamboat brewing and kids in the room... basically kids everywhere.
So I kept my macbook and took my notebook out to sketch instead. Was working on a new character for my Fatman & Superchub series, a villain role or the exact opposite of them.
Sitting in one corner of the sofa and sketching away apparently caught the attention of one of my aunt.
"Hey, my daughter is just like you. She love to draw and is always seen drawing stuff on her sketckbook. She brings it everywhere she goes, in fact she is hugging it now."
I nodded and told her its great that her daughter has a hobby for art. But then she said:
"She told me to buy her art materials, some special type of stationaries, why can't she just use normal ones? She even use up her sketchbook so fast and kept telling me to buy new ones for her. But I see her drawings like... um..."
She hesitated. Seems rather clear that she doesn't appreciate her daughter's artwork. But then she added:
"Looking at her reminds me of you. Both exactly the same. She like to draw so much, but my husband kept advising her not to follow this path, no good! In the future because drawing cannot earn money. Right? Right?"
er ouch? Okay......... -_-
"Well it depends on how good she is, and which path she wants to go. There are many artistic route, you can't stop her if she is interested. Just let her decide what she want to do on her own."
she is obviously trying to tell me indirectly that she doesn't want her daughter to follow in the same footsteps as me, and to agree with her that I can't go far in life as an artist. She even said that her daughter is 'doing very well in her studies' thats why they are encouraging her to study something that can earn more instead of going towards the path of the barely earning enough to survive artist.
Seriously I think it's pretty fucked up for her to be telling this in my face. If you ask me if being a artist advisable, I'd say No. Unless you got the passion and the love what you do. I believe passion is a very important factor, if you don't love what you do.. you are going to live a miserable life.
She could easily ask me if this career path is advisable instead of telling me all the (in your face) crap about not being able to earn much and fearing your daughter going going this path while reminding me constantly that we are similar.
I know.. I know.. I am a bad example for your daughter.
You have to state "She studied very well." because unlike her I am a failure. I never did well in my studies, I went to ITE, I wasted alot of my precious time (years in fact). But being able to draw is a 'talent' and requires alot of passion. It's not a career path which only "people like me who can't study" take.
Seriously woman. One day, I will make it. I will be successful and you guys will go 'woah'
In the end, I went to my cousin and told her "Don't listen to your parents, do what you love and follow your dreams."
Okay so to end this rather unhappy post, I'm posting some pictures.
Below is with Sister Maria Riva, whom I visited at St. Joseph Old Folks Home. She is a catholic nun who taught me catechism when I was 7. Oh how time flies~
She is going to be 81years old this year, still healthy and strong but her legs are getting weak so she rides a scooter around the home!
Finally I'm going end with a selfie which I took this morning in school. Yes, I went to school on a Sunday and the 3rd day of the lunar new year. This just shows how much work I have pending on hand.
I'm getting pretty exhausted from all the pending work, I hope I don't stress myself out.
Or rather I don't think I would, because after all I enjoy what I am doing..