My apology for keeping quiet these past few weeks. I had been really busy with school assignments and dealing with slight relapse.
Lots of things happened recently which got me into a low mood and I had to see a doctor for medications to ease my anxiety. My mood is still a little lower than usual as of now, but it is still manageable. I just need to stay away from negative people and thoughts that could trigger me into sinking.
Meanwhile, I wanted to share with you this campaign which I was invited to write for a couple of weeks back. 'Burst The Silence' is a campaign that hoped to reduce mental health stigma here in Singapore!
People who wishes to step out and share their experiences are welcomed to write in, so can others who had experience with friends or family members who suffered from any mental illness!
Do email
Alternatively if you are suffering/suspect that you are suffering from some form of mental illness and had not seek help. You can check out ChatHub @Scape
They offer free assessment to Youths. Do check out their website for more info